5 Famous hit games on TV Series - Mobzoo

5 Famous hit games on TV Series

By Games
Do you remember X-Files? And the Addams Family? Or Knight Rider? Series 80 or 90 were very dear in their times, but few know that they also had games released over the years, some good, some not so much. There are several examples, including Power Rangers, Xena and Buffy. Know or recall these classics:

X file

The X-Files is perhaps one of the greatest examples of this list. The series was a huge success in the 90s, showing the lives of two FBI special agents Mulder and Scully, who were involved in cases that defied reality, ranging from paranormal and alien phenomena. There were three official games released for the series, but the first came out in 1997, The X-Files: Unrestricted Access only for PC.

Series X game won with The X-Files Unrestricted Access (Reuters)

He served as a bridge to one of the episodes and also involved the story shown on TV. The game used a lot of text and images to guide the player through the investigations. The gameplay was more indirect, but pleased the fans by being faithful to the original material and cover information from the first four seasons.

Addams family

Famous not only for its classic series, but also the saga of films that dominated the theaters for many years, the Addams Family game turned a few times in his "career" in stardom.

The Addams Family (Photo: Playback / Felipe Vineyard)

The game The Addams Family was launched in 1991 to hitchhike in the film that was entirely based on the series. The game was platform and quite reminiscent of the Super Mario series, but with many secrets scattered throughout the stages.

Super Machine

The eighties series introduced us to KITT, the intelligent car that was the dream of many young people of that time - and that is now almost reality, with the evolution of technology. But long before that, KITT lived his adventures with Michael Knight, the central character, hunting criminals in Los Angeles.

Super Machine in action (Photo: Playback / Felipe Vineyard)

The most important game of the series was released only in 2002, for PS2 and PC, where the player controlled KITT in its entirety. The gameplay was racing elements, adventure and dangerous maneuvers by challenging scenarios.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Between 2000 and 2009, the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer was the subject of recurring games on several platforms, including Gameboy Color, Xbox, GBA, Nintendo DS and even games released for mobile devices. Overall, they involve controlling the huntress in its mission to eliminate evil vampires. The main one came out for the PS2 and GameCube, called Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds (Photo: Playback / Felipe Vineyard)

The series was one of the hottest in 90 years, mainly because it is one of the few with strong female role. Buffy, the young woman studying in high school, inherited the power to hunt vampires plaguing mankind and has the help of his friends to the task.

ALF O Etmoiso

Extremely popular in the 90s, the sitcom ALF The Etmoiso showed the common life of an alien who came to be on earth and lives quietly in the house of an American family. With several balconies and jokes of the day to day of his human family, ALF won by his charisma.

ALF in the Master System (Photo: Playback / Felipe Vineyard)

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