5 Google Chrome plugins for lazy users - Mobzoo

5 Google Chrome plugins for lazy users

By Plugins
Who ever was distracted watching the feed Facebook while he had something important to do? Or maybe the lost time accounts and ended up delaying because the Internet was more interesting? Focus with so many distractions options is hard work. Thinking about it, we list the five plugins Google Chrome that can help in the task now possible. Check the list and download free.

Stop Procrastinating! List includes five Chrome plugins for lazy (Photo: Playback / Pond5 )

1. Time Warp

Never waste time with unimportant things as have more important activities to do. The Time Warp is a plugin for Google Chrome gives you the option to redirect, reminisce about their work and schedule the time you're losing distracted. To do this, go to Settings in the browser and then click Extensions. Click the Time Warp. In the new tab, go to "New wormhole" (new wormhole) and set as desired. In the test, alerts have been set for when the user is using Facebook.

Setting the Time Warp (Photo: Playback / Carol Danelli)

And when trying to access the social network the result is ...

Message was displayed when trying to use Facebook (Photo: Playback / Carol Danelli)

To cancel the message, just click the trash bin on the side or disable the blue rocket icon next to the address bar to.

2. Do it (Tomorrow)

This plugin simulates a book that focuses on only two days of the week: today and tomorrow. Use is easy! The user just write your tasks and give "Enter." If you have cleared an appointment, double-click on it. To move the activity to the next day, click the arrow. The plugin is compatible with mobile Android and iPhone as well.

Focus on today and tomorrow with the Do it! (Tomorrow) (Photo: Playback / Carol Danelli)

3. Stayfocusd

The StayFocusd allows the user to block the sites that take you concentration. After installing, click the plugin icon and configure as you see fit.

If suspend certain sites is not enough for you, opt for the "Nuclear Option". It allows the user to block all sites or just let that might be useful, for example, a link from a search. Radical, huh?

The nuclear option is a radical action for those who do not want to mess up (Photo: Playback / Carol Danelli)

4. Facebook Antiprocrastinator

This plugin is more specific. It blocks the news feed, hide the number of unread messages, remove the suggestion of friends and pages, ads and trendings. That is, everything that might distract it from its original function.

App blocks Facebook feed (Photo: Playback / Carol Danelli)

You can still chat with friends in the chat, become a member of groups and publish the timeline of contacts, things that make useful social network at that time.


The last on the list, but no less interesting, is the TLDR . This plugin is very useful, especially for lazy students. The app is able to summarize long texts and the user chooses the abstract size. Simply click the icon TLDR while the page you want to summarize. See the example.

Summarize texts with the help of TLDR (Photo: Playback / Carol Danelli)

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