EA Sports UFC: see how to simulate a fight in the game - Mobzoo

EA Sports UFC: see how to simulate a fight in the game

By Tips and Tricks
EA Sports UFC was one of the major releases from EA in 2014. The game features vivid battles within the MMA octagon. Besides casual game, the title can also be considered a simulator of the UFC fights.

Simulate a fight is pretty simple. But knowing configure features is interesting to have the best fight possible. From the Ignite Engine, created especially for sports games from Electronic Arts, the producers managed to recreate much of the UFC fighters. Thus, the simulations were even more realistic.

Step 1. Start a normal fight. Here, you select the weight class. Moving the directional pad to the left and right, the player can choose the fighters who will participate in the combat.

Select the fighters. (Photo: André Luiz / Playback)

After this, leave the cursor in the middle of the screen. A message asking whether you want to continue without a control should appear. You need only agree.

Step 2. This is where you really make a difference in the dispute. For the best experience, select PRO in difficulty option. Thus, the fighters will perform the most of their abilities.

Another option to be changed is the struggle of the time. EA Sports UFC allows let the fighters in rounds five real or accelerated minutes. To have an exciting and realistic fighting, change to "normal time."

Setting up the fight (Photo: André Luiz / Playback)

Now, just proceed to settle down and watch the fight. To get a sense of the video you need to do - besides following a simulation of Jose Aldo against Conor McGregor - be sure to watch the video.
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