Final Fantasy XV: what to do after finishing the game for PS4 and Xbox One - Mobzoo

Final Fantasy XV: what to do after finishing the game for PS4 and Xbox One

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Final Fantasy XV has an extensive campaign that takes dozens of hours to complete. When the main story missions end, that does not mean the gameover. Even those who have tried to leave nothing behind will find several tasks to do in the game world. This tutorial will help you not get lost and know what awaitsafter the end of the journey.

To start the operation, just load the saved game file after finishing the campaign and use the option to return to the past calling Umbra . Among the options, you can return to the mainland Lucis or the city of Altissia. Simply select the desired destination and move on to new adventures.

Game over? Final Fantasy XV reserve many challenges after the end of the campaign (Play / Cassio Barbosa)

Explore the secret dungeons

During the campaign, the player may have noticed the presence of some locked doors in some royal tombs. For relief of who was curious, the key that opens these gates can be obtained after the end of the game. However, it is good to go prepared because regions unlocked are full of high level monsters.

To find the key, you must travel to the station Meldacio Hunter HQ, the east side of Vesperpool in Lucis. In the region, the player can find Ezma, a nice lady. Talk to her so that she will give you the item "Dungeon Seal Key" that allows access to secret areas. Check then list the location of secret areas and the recommended level to explore them:

Keycatrich Trench Dungeon (Level 55)
Fociaugh Hollow Dungeon (Level 65)
Greyshire Glacial Grotto Dungeon (Level 65)
Daurell Caverns Dungeon (Level 72)
Balouve Mines Dungeon (Level 78)
Steyliff Grove Dungeon (Level 86)
Crestholm Channels Dungeon (Level 92)
Costlemark Tower Dungeon (Level 99)

Talk to Ezma to win the key that unlocks the secret dungeons (Play / Cassio Barbosa)

Before she can offer the key, however, you must also complete the basic challenges of the following dungeons optional: Crestholm Channels, Balouve Mines, Costlemark Tower and Daurell Caverns.

The journey in search of the legendary weapons

Another interesting character that appears after the end of the campaign is the Randolph blacksmith, found in the city of Lestallum. To find it, it will ask for your help in finding special materials to forge legendary weapons - some of the most powerful in the game.

Complete Randolph missions to win the legendary weapons (Play / Cassio Barbosa)

For these materials, however, you must defeat a series of very powerful monsters. There are five in all, including the enemy with the highest level of the game: Naglfar, level 120. To defeat it, it is recommended to be at the maximum level of the game and go prepared with many healing items and high-level spells.

To accomplish the missions, talk to Randolph Lestallum and then travel to the area indicated on the map to find the opponent. Since every enemy is defeated, just return to the city to claim his weapon as reward and receive a new target.

Enjoy hunting

Many of the missions after the end of the campaign will require enough player, so you better equip yourself in the best possible way. An interesting way to do this is to take advantage of new hunts available in stations and restaurants throughout the game.

While many of them have a high level of enemies, they also offer as a reward items that will help you a great deal in their new missions - such as the Ribbon accessory that protects the user from all negative status.

The toughest hunts are released after the end of the game (Play / Cassio Barbosa)

A particularly hunt that also worth mentioning is the Adamantoise - an opponent of the size of a mountain. The battle may take more than an hour to complete but offers in return an item that leaves the player with 9,999 points of life, as well as a specific achievement.

Enjoy Altissia

The passage by the city of Altissia during the campaign is fast and is fairly easy the player losing some of sidequests available in the city (or else get lost in the labyrinth of its streets and gĂ´ngolas channels). Thus, visiting the city after the end of the campaign is an extra opportunity to catch up.

Bet on fights monsters Arena Galviano to win prizes (Play / Cassio Barbosa)

Among the highlights, it is interesting to recall the Arena Galviano (the Coliseum of the city), which can be accessed through the purple line of gondolas. In it, players can bet on Totomonstro - battles monsters against monsters - and to try to help their champions by their fans. Besides being quite fun to watch the games, they serve to gain special items at the end of the game.
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