Learn about the different types of printer and find the right for you - Mobzoo

Learn about the different types of printer and find the right for you

By Technology
When it comes time to buy a new printer for your home or office, the question arises about which purchase model. The variety of devices on the market is considerable, and some are suitable for completely different uses of others. Thinking about it, we decided to gather some information about the types of printers you can buy and average values ​​to know how much this type of equipment.

It is worth mentioning that some equipment that are considered as printers, such as plotters, are of use to plot companies. Therefore, we chose to leave them out and made the list based on the printers you may have in your home or in your office desk.

inkjet printing

HP multifunction printer works with ink cartridges (Reuters / HP)

Certainly the most common type of market, inkjet printers are suitable for residential and commercial use. These printers perform their impression through hundreds of ink droplets, which are released through a tiny opening in your existing cartridges.

These printers use the CMYK color scheme (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black). They offer a print with good quality and color fidelity. You can find models of up to R $ 200, from brands like HP , even at $ 750, depending on more aggregate functions. The ink cartridges are found in varying prices depending on the brand too, ranging from R $ 34.90 to R $ 89.90.

Laser printer

Samsung has good models of laser printers (Reuters / Samsung)

Previously, laser printers were most often found in environments such as offices, but the technology eventually popularizing the device point be an option for households. This equipment carries out its printing by means of a toner, which contains a very fine powder which, when heated, sticks to the paper, conducting printing. Because of this, she can perform print much faster than inkjet printers.

Laser printers can be found from R $ 550 in some online stores and models can easily reach the mark of R $ 2,000. The price of the toner also varies according to the brand, but it costs an average of R $ 120.

wax jet printers

The xerox launched in 2005 a printer that replaced the ink cartridges and toners for small wax blocks. This wax is made up of a resin-based polymer, non-toxic and that closely resembles a crayon. The quality promises to be bigger than the laser printing, and reduce up to 90% waste when printing something, reaching a wider range of colors.

Xerox has printers swapping ink cartridges and toner for solid ink blocks (Reuters / Xerox)

Printers launched by Xerox have speed and quality of printing, but the high price of equipment, ranging from R $ 6,000 to R $ 55,000, making this type of printer indicated only for offices with high demand for prints.

3d printer

You must be wondering what this type of printer is doing here, since the fact that it does not print anything on paper, but this equipment is becoming more popular. It uses plastic filaments, which are heated and cooled in creating pre-rendered structures on a computer.

The Cube can be found for an approximate amount of R $ 7000 (Reuters / Cube)

Is to create small statues or entire structures such as models, new models of 3D printers come to market and end up being a good choice for architectural firms, in addition to the joy of enthusiasts miniatures, to name just some of the uses for the equipment.

The prices of these printers ranges from $ 3000 to $ 25,000, depending on their size and functions. The filaments used to charge these devices can be found for an average price of $ 125, remembering that it is always interesting to check their compatibility with the 3D model of printer you are using.
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