How to use the Files, Microsoft's file manager for Windows Phone - Mobzoo

How to use the Files, Microsoft's file manager for Windows Phone

By Tips and Tricks
Microsoft makes available to the users Windows Phone the Files, a file manager that allows people to confer the content stored on the phone. You can copy, move, create new folders , and more. It is very simple to use it; see below how to do.

Step 1. Open the Files by mobile application menu;

How to use the Files, Microsoft's file manager for Windows Phone (Photo: Playback / Thiago Barros)

Step 2. On this screen, it shows how much storage space is being used and what is available. Tap the small bar to open the manager;

Screen shows how much storage space is being used (Photo: Playback / Thiago Barros)

Step 3. Now, will show all the folders on your phone. Just browse through it to see which files are stored in what places;

Navigate to the folder and see where the files are stored (Photo: Playback / Thiago Barros)

Step 4. Opening a folder, you have several options at the bottom bar: create a new folder, select files (to copy or move to another folder), set the style of content organizations (list, alphabetical order, etc.) and search specific.

When you open a folder, you have option to set the organization's style and make specific searches (Photo: Playback / Thiago Barros)

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