Meet the new QLED technology SUHD TVs from Samsung - Mobzoo

Meet the new QLED technology SUHD TVs from Samsung

By Review
The new line of Samsung televisions will offer a screen technology enhanced quantum dots. Christened QLED by the company, it seeks to achieve the same quality paradigms and color accuracy, and richer contrasts because of deeper blacks, you can find the equivalent solutions from other manufacturers.

The new line of Samsung televisions was unveiled during CES 2017, there is still no date set for the new devices come to the Brazilian market.

QLED is the new technology of quantum dots screens from Samsung (Reuters / Samsung)

According to Samsung , the strong point of the new TVs QLED is in high values of color volume, a measure used to analyze the accuracy by which a screen is able to display different colors when exposed to different levels of brightness. Or, for simplicity, an index of how much the TV it takes time to show color as the brightness varies on the screen.

In general, the greater the amount of color better: this ensures the larger display capable of displaying color tones with high accuracy, especially at high brightness levels.


The point about the use of quantum dots, which is the technological concept implemented by Samsung in its QLED screens, is to increase the screen brightness levels in a balanced way so that the color volume is greater and consequently the quality of TV image is over the top at the other end.

In the new QLED screens from Samsung, you can reach between 1,500 and 2,000 nits, at levels comparable to OLED TVs.

Design and reflections

QLED does not use the concept of quantum dots: more brightness across the screen area, higher contrast and accurate color. In the image, the comparison of TV QLED with a conventional (Reuters / Samsung)

Reflection on the screen while you watch a movie, you can not only entertain, but completely ruin the experience: the light falling on the TV just dismounting the balance of high intensity brightness and volume color, causing the impression that the quality of image is not as good as promised by the manufacturer.

According to Samsung, in line with 2017 TVs, this problem was solved with design decisions aimed at reducing the effect of reflection. The result is that the perception of the image displayed on the screen is the same, no matter the viewing angle.
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