Super Mario Crossover: how to play and download the game - Mobzoo

Super Mario Crossover: how to play and download the game

By Games
Super Mario Crossover is a game created by fans of the franchise from Nintendo , which allows players to play in the classic stages of plumber games using different characters of famous franchises such as Mega Man, Link (The Legend of Zelda), Samus (Metroid) and Simon Belmont (Castlevania).

The title is available on its website, and can be played both online through the browser, as downloaded to run offline. Check out the tutorial on how to play and download the title.

how to play and download the game (Photo: Playback / Murilo Molina)

Step 1. Visit the official game site , using your internet browser;

Step 2. After the game loads, click the window and press Z on "New Game" to start (see picture above);

Step 3. Here you can change options such as visual map, limitation of characters, enable full screen mode and other functions. When finished, press Z on "Start Game";

Adjust the options of Super Mario Crossover (Photo: Playback / Murilo Molina)

Step 4. Select the character you want to control and press Z to start;

Select the character in Super Mario Crossover (Photo: Playback / Murilo Molina)

Step 5. Here, you can choose one of several skins for each character;

Choose the skins in Super Mario Crossover (Photo: Playback / Murilo Molina)

Step 6. With the running game, use the arrow keys to move the character, Z to jump, X to use the default attack and C for special attack;

Start your game in the Super Mario Crossover (Photo: Playback / Murilo Molina)

Step 7. You can save your progress in the game by hitting Enter. A small file is saved on your computer, and can be downloaded to resume the campaign;

Save your game Super Mario Crossover (Photo: Playback / Murilo Molina)

Step 8. You can also download Super Mario Crossover. In the bottom of the screen, in the format ".swf", to perform the title without a connection to the internet.

It also gives p [ara download Super Mario Crossover for your PC (Photo: Playback / Murilo Molina)

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