5 reasons to never make spam email - Mobzoo

5 reasons to never make spam email

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Never Make Spam Email

Today I will list five reasons why you should never practice spam in independent internet if it is for email, social networks, etc.

Before you proceed if you do not know what spam see this article site E-commerce.org .

It's amazing how people continue to insist on practicing spam on the Internet. They are everywhere: in social networks, in forums, blogs .The people still will become aware that spamming on the internet is something completely bad and totally inefficient way to reach your target audience.

See list of 5 reasons not to spam email.

1 reason - Your unsolicited email is not welcome.

I'm writing this post because I received a spam where the person wrote something that caught my attention.

"This is not spam because there is no law stating that we can not send emails."

"When we want to send a letter to someone or call agent does not need to have permission to do so"

By the thoughts that spammer can conclude that really people besides being super amateur on the Internet even assume the right to invade another's privacy sending emails or they will be read, and even arrange a lot of enemies because people resent advertisements sent to their e-mail without your permission.

The practice of spam is so rejected by the customers how the famous links telemarketing. What customer likes to receive sales calls?

2nd reason: Some customers do not come to receive their emails because most providers have anti-spam protection.

All right you have a huge list of people to send their advertisements but not all messages arrive at their final destination. And if they arrive they will be in the spam box, or trash the email. Many customers do not usually access this option and access is only to the exclusion of those emails.

3rd reason: You are not sending emails to a targeted audience!

You will be sending emails to people who are not interested in what you have to offer. For you to get results with sending email marketing you need to have a hot list of people who are really interested in what you have to offer.

Ex: send e-mail to a female person with the following advertisement: "Learn how to win a woman"

At the top of my ignorance I have also made spam. But I discovered that it was something unpleasant to the customer's eyes, and that 's how I found out the smartest way to dissemination; use email marketing that is something totally professional and well regarded.

It is very annoying you get responses from people who receive spam. All answers are unpleasant.

4th reason: By spamming you may lose your e-mail account!

All e-mail providers have an option where you can report spammers. If you have many complaints the provider can cancel your email account.

Now imagine if you already have this account for a long time?

5th reason: Be smart and do the right thing, or be crushed by the competition.

Well after all there are only two paths going forward:

You will pretend not to know that and will continue to do things your way.

You will hear those who already have more experience; cease to be an amateur in internet marketing and become recognized and respected professional. Create a capture form for your site or blog, offer something of value to your visitors and in return they grant the right of email marketing. Yet you still run the risk of sending the first e-mail list and receive some takedown notices.
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