Full Review: Meet Android, the mobile operating system from Google - Mobzoo

Full Review: Meet Android, the mobile operating system from Google

By Review
Android is the mobile operating system Google . Present in multiple devices from different manufacturers such as Samsung , Motorola ,  LG , and Sony is the most popular mobile platform in the world. It is known to be based on the core Linux have an open source and a lot of customization possibilities.

The system was born in 2008, and has since been perfected by Google with several new features. Its updates, which do not occur with exact timing, always receive deces names. Since its inception have been launched eleven versions and the latest, most present in smartphones today, are:  Android 4.4 (KitKat)  and  Android 5.0 (Lollipop) .

Various updates are usually available in a year, with full versions whether change (going from 4.4 to 4.5, for example), or only a few adjustments (such as 4.4 to 4.4.1). Not all devices have the updates released on the same day. So it depends on the manufacturer. The most interesting detail is that, unlike iOS and Windows Phone , Android is not always the same in every cell. Each manufacturer adds preferences to it and creates a different Android. ROMs are called. In addition to the changed interfaces, applications are also added depending on each company.

What they all have in common is the presence of apps from Google itself. This is one of the great features of Android: features and full service with the Google brand. Gmail, Google Now and Google Maps, for example, are references, and have operation is perfect in the system. Besides them, each manufacturer can add its own set of apps to gadgets.

Developers can also make custom ROMs and launchers, which are apps just focused on visual customization system. The possibilities are varied, always taking advantage of the open source operating system.

One thing to be noted is that mobile phones are not the only ones equipped with Android. Tablets, mobile consoles, and now a number of new products such as TVs, computers and wearable devices are being manufactured with it. This fragmentation is one of the great advantages of this operating system for its popularization, but also a disadvantage because it can not be unified.

The system is one of the great Google weapons in recent years, it is extremely popular, it won the public both with the simplest models as with the line of tops, and there is no doubt that must remain at the top for quite some time . It pays to know the Android!

Our opinion

The latest versions of Android are an incontestable proof that the OS continues to evolve. It is much more elegant, subtle and pretty fast. However, the powerful anti theft tool, Android Device Manager is not displayed during the setup process.

This forces the user to do additional setup after starting the system. The current big highlight is the minimum requirement of 512MB of RAM to work.

This is the feature that most will help popularize the system when it is available for more devices, especially for those considered low cost and living catching because of their hardware limitations.


  • Elegant
  • Subtle
  • Quick
  • Large number of users


  • No

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