Final Fantasy 7 is 20 years old; check out the main curiosities - Mobzoo

Final Fantasy 7 is 20 years old; check out the main curiosities

By Games
Final Fantasy 7 turns 20 on Tuesday (31). The game was originally released on the PSOne and is one of the most acclaimed RPGs of video games, being remembered by fans today. Fame is so great that the production company Square Enix has scheduled a remake, still no date, which should arrive soon to PS4 . Meet some of the main title curiosities.

Nintendo or Sony?

Final Fantasy 7 should have been a unique game Nintendo . At the time it was released, all previous titles in the saga came on platforms like NES or Super Nintendo . The new game in the series was almost all right to be released on the Nintendo 64, or even on the SNES, but something has changed.

Final Fantasy 7 was the first out of the Nintendo (Reuters / Square Enix)

With the launch of a console using CD media, the Sony caught the attention of Square Enix, who decided to change the course of production and announce that the game would come to PSOne, frustrating Nintendo fans.

The first 3D

Final Fantasy 7 was the first to use 3D graphics in the series. Until then, all games of the brand used 2D sprites beautiful, with high level of technical design, but still somewhat limited by the platforms.

With the power of PSOne and its media on CD, Square Enix thought to go a step further and launched the game with never before seen graphics. Although today they are considered "ugly" at the time called much attention, either by visual in real time or by the beautiful "CGs" that appear throughout history.

Final Fantasy 7 was also the first 3D (Reuters / Square Enix)

many sequels

It may not look it, but Final Fantasy 7 has had ups and more curious: some of them were out of the games. "Advent Children" was a film released directly into the video market, telling the story of the return of Sephiroth, the great villain of the game, and his final conflict against Cloud hero.

In addition, the game Dirge of Cerberus is focused on Vincent, the most mysterious character of Final Fantasy 7, and goes after Advent Children. Chronologically speaking, this game was the last chapter of the saga so far.

Advent Children was one of the Proceedings of FF7 (Reuters / Square Enix)

The most famous spoiler of games

Unfortunately, the game keeps a "surprise" more into your adventure that everyone knows, or almost everyone. The death of one of the characters, Aerith was vaunted by all video game magazines at the time, reaching stamping even the cover of some publications.

So, though it may be a "surprise", it is generally known, even by those who have not played the game, after all this time. Of course, Final Fantasy 7 has other surprises in store in its history, but are not as commented as this.

Aerith is the most famous spoiler Final Fantasy 7 (Reuters / Square Enix)

Star Wars em Final Fantasy

Two Star Wars characters in Final Fantasy 7, or were inspired enough heroes of the George Lucas saga: Biggs and Wedge. Both were inspired by Biggs Darklighter and Wedge Antilles, pilots of the Rebel Alliance and friends of Luke Skywalker.

The interesting thing is that Final Fantasy 7 also has its own rebel group, the Avalanche, fighting against the government and an "empire" corrupt. And Wedge and Biggs are part of this group just in the game.

Biggs and Wedge, Star Wars, are in Final Fantasy 7 (Reuters / Square Enix)

three discs

Because graphics and orchestral music, besides the plot size, Final Fantasy 7 was released three albums on PSOne - and was the first game to use this amount of CDs in the first game from Sony.

Since then, many games have been released with various media on PSOne. The practice no longer exists thanks to the large storage media in Blu-Ray and cartridges, but it was very common in the 90s.

Final Fantasy 7 came in three albums (Reuters / Square Enix)

Too expensive for industry

Final Fantasy 7 was one of the most expensive of its time. The game cost $ 45 million, or about R $ 141 million, converted according to the current price of the dollar. An extremely large number for an industry that was not a third of what it is today.

To get an idea of games with high cost of development currently, we have the following production rates: Star Wars: The Old Republic (US $ 200 million), Star Citizen (US $ 142 million) and GTA 5 (US $ 137 million ).

Final Fantasy 7 is one of the most expensive games of its time (Reuters / Square Enix)

Running Bird

The Chocobos, pompous birds that are present in the Final Fantasy series since the first game, won an extra function from Final Fantasy 7: compete in races with the player in charge.

The novelty was one of the minigames site known as Gold Saucer. From then on, the race Chocobos were famous among fans and were used again in other chapters of the series, including Final Fantasy XV.

The Chocobos race was one of the climaxes of the series (Reuters / Square Enix)

inspirations mythological

Final Fantasy 7 is a mixture of different cultures and mythologies, despite being a Japanese game. We have to Norse mythology and the Celtic names with references to deities, locations and more.

One of the clearest reference is the city of Midgard, the beginning of the game. Midgard is also the name given to Earth in Norse mythology. The very Aerith is a descendant of the "Cetra", a people resembling the true Celts many years ago.

Final Fantasy 7 is inspired by mythologies (Reuters / Square Enix)

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