League of Legends: Learn how to improve your skills in training - Mobzoo

League of Legends: Learn how to improve your skills in training

By Games
The  League of Legends gained a function: the Training mode. The goal is to allow beginners and professionals to improve their skills with a particular champion or even ride different strategies against enemies. We gathered the best tips for you to make the most of the option.

Starting training

To start using the League of Legends Training Mode is simple: go to the "Play" and locate the "Training" section. Finally, select "Practice Tool". In this mode, only you play without allies or rivals. The maximum allowed is adding a bot to train your skills.

League of Legends: Learn how to improve your skills in training (Reuters / Riot)

different test builds

The training mode has a function that applies 10,000 gold units to its champion. This option allows you to buy and test different sets of items for various situations that occur during matches.
With a bot added, you can check how your character reacts to different situations, such as when you receive an Ultimate enemy or a large amount of damage in a short time. Take the opportunity to see how their champion reacts to different armor items, magic resistance, attack damage and ability power.

Cleaning the jungle

Another attraction of the Training Mode is the ability to train different tactics in the jungle cleaning. Is it better to start by Azuporã or Acuâminas? What is the right time to defeat the dragon? You can test also different initial items of the jungle.

League of Legends: Dragon of the Clouds offers more movement speed the team that beat (Photo: Playback / Blog of Legends)

Flashes and sentries

One of the major problems when playing the traditional ways is the limitation to train different tactics to put sentries and use the flash , after all, it is not the appropriate place for it. With the Training mode you can instantly reset the cooldown of spells and wards .

Enjoy the function to try different ways of how to use the spell through the walls for a possible escape or ambush, and test different places to put sentries.

League of Legends: enjoy the Training Mode to experience different ways of looking at the jungle

testing champions

If you have any questions about how the Ultimate Rumble or passive Talon Training Mode is perfect for you to use and abuse. There are features that allow you to reset the recharge times, freeze and advance the level of their champion. With this, you can activate the function of filling the life bars and mana instantly.

You can take advantage of these resources to train various combos of their abilities. Create different builds  and switch between levels to simulate situations matches, as ambushing the enemy, counters and even improve your aim with the Q Lee Sin.

League of Legends: Add dolls enemies to intensify training (Reuters / Riot)

Teleport and check back tempo

Time is your ally in the Training Mode. You can progress from level one to 18 in seconds, revive the time you want and teleport anywhere on the map - including the enemy base. You can also speed up the time in 30 seconds to make troops soon reach its lane.

Moreover, it is possible to fight more "enemies" to add target dolls like the image above. Take advantage of these functions to save time and exploit its potential as a summoner.
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