5 Coolest free software to replace the Photoshop image editing
By Softwares
Some days ago we just want to put a new photo on Facebook or Instagram , but sometimes the need is much more professional. Anyway, almost every computer user has reached one of those moments when you need to do minor editing of images and can not solve the whole problem with Paint - being that Photoshop can be overkill for some.
Do you know any alternative to solve these problems? Today, we have brought a very nice selection with some of the coolest best free applications that can be found on the Internet today. Well, we have several programs that you can install on your PC to edit images completely free. You want to meet these options? So check out the selection now!
Do you know any alternative to solve these problems? Today, we have brought a very nice selection with some of the coolest best free applications that can be found on the Internet today. Well, we have several programs that you can install on your PC to edit images completely free. You want to meet these options? So check out the selection now!
Pixlr is an amazing image editor and running tool from a fully online mode. It features tools that few publishers have free and combines it to a completely modifiable look with customizable boxes (you can choose the boxes and drag them, riding your preferred layout), quite familiar to anyone who uses Photoshop. That's right: it is an online software free and with high-level functions.
This application works from an open source and brings a tremendous amount of tooling for users - and all for one and no additional libraries installation. The GIMP is known as the "Photoshop Free Software" and no wonder, since it works with effects, filters, complete editions of layers and more. It is worth checking this multi-platform software.
If you need less than the previous two applications provide a great alternative is Paint.net. The program has a simpler interface than that of competitors, also bringing more intuitive functions - and less professional, that is. The interface and the tools are very good for those who need quick edits and do not compromise on quality in their work.
For those who do not have image editing knowledge, but need to make several changes to any file, Photoscape is a great choice. Besides being a lightweight tool compared to other editors, it has intuitive interface and well separate functions. With it, you can make small indentations, filter applications, batch edits and even create animated GIFs.
Produced by the same developers of Pixlr, this version is also online, but brings a range of very different features. Instead of being focused on professional issues, software issues and provides simple effects and can be applied to any picture. With it, you can not crop images, but there are filters and effects that can give new faces to existing photos.
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