10 Android applications that consume more resources, according to El País - Mobzoo

10 Android applications that consume more resources, according to El País

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The Spanish daily El País made a list of the ten applications that consume the resources of the Android devices. In ten positions, four are occupied by Facebook applications. The list, made on a study of Avast !, can help you understand why your battery lasts as little or why the mobile data plan runs out so quickly.

Applications that consume more battery are already known. The Snapchat and Spotify top the list of Czech computer security company Avast !, launched in early February this year , followed by Tinder (sixth) and the Clean Master (eighth) - the application to clear the memory devices Android runs in the background and increases battery consumption.

The latest list of Avast !, published by El País , lists the ten applications that consume more resources - such as memory, battery and mobile data - even when presisam be open. Just be installed to start consuming.


Only in December 2016, 1,150 million users had access to Facebook from the application, counts the El País . And this is the background updates constantly, to send notifications to the user, making it the largest consumer according to Avast features !.


This app is not the best known of the list - has grown among young people, who constitute the bulk of its 90 million registered users in July 2016 - but it is one of the fastest spend the features of a mobile phone. The application allows you to make small videos of 15 seconds in which users can make playback and choreographies of popular songs, as well as interpret dialogues series and movies.

Second place is awarded because it occupies a large volume of data in the phone's cache. The battery is also a problem for Avast !: this application is able to consume the battery of a Samsung Galaxy 6, fully charged in just two hours.

google Maps

Google had to make concessions when the bet of application that allows use without Internet access. Although many users have grateful the end of consumption of mobile data, the application must feed on the background and therefore consumes the battery and the device memory.


The app allows you to call mobile and fixed numbers without pay - views change into announcements, invitations to convince friends to install the application or downloads of third-party applications - is the fourth largest battery consuming, memory and data for Avast! .

Daily Mail Online

The application of the British newspaper Daily Mail is the fifth largest consumer of resources. Apparently, the application of the newspaper occupies a lot of memory when you updates of the contents, explains El País .


After Facebook, Instagram (which is also owned by Mark Zuckerberg, since 2012) is one of the most popular social networks in the world: in 2016 could reach 600 million users . Of these, over 300 million are frequent users, making it one of the most popular social networks to share pictures and short videos (30 seconds maximum). However, and as Facebook brother, the application starts to run in the background to make notifications, which consumes battery, memory and data.


The application of the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth , the newspaper published in Hebrew with the country's largest circulation, resource intensive because it has a problem similar to Facebook and Instagram: notifications.


The BlackBerry not completely disappeared - the proof is that its instant messaging service continues to be used even if mobile phones are no longer popular. But according to the ranking of Avast !, the main side effect is the battery consumption. This application was one of the most popular by the end of the 2000s, when it began to lose for Whatsapp rivals and iMessage

Facebook Pages Manager

The page manager of Facebook, allowing it to respond to comments and messages and to publications from your smartphone or tablet, is the more consumes resources, with special emphasis on storage space. Despite the utility, El País points out that it is worth weigh the pros and cons before installing.

Facebook Messenger

At the end of the list is the instant messaging application Facebook. Notifications are your main problem because they consume background resources - consumption that has increased since that has become possible to speak with bots , recalls El País .
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