How to beat the Elite Four and the champion of Pokémon Sun and Moon - Mobzoo

How to beat the Elite Four and the champion of Pokémon Sun and Moon

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Pokémon Sun / Moon are the new games of the classic franchise from Nintendo . Exclusive 3DS , the seventh generation of adventures of the little monsters innovated and brought several unprecedented features, with new developments, strokes and characters in the tropical region of Alola. At the end of the campaign, the prevailing tradition and is necessary to overcome the dreaded Elite Four, in addition to the league champion. Get tips to get along in the last challenge of Sun and Moon.

Preparations for a Pokémon League

As usual in the series Pokémon , the ultimate challenge of the Sun and Moon campaign is to face in sequence and without rest between fights, both the Elite Four and the Grand Champion League. As the level of the teams of these rivals is very high, it is recommended only face the challenge after raising their team until at least level 55 on average.

Pokémon Sun and Moon: the Elite Four consists of four fights following restlessly (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

In addition, several stock Revives, Potions and Full Restores to restore the health of your team between each fight. As shown in the photo below, the Elite Four is spread between four ports that can be viewed in any order you wish. In this tutorial, we will list the coaches and left strategies right.

Elite Four Hala

The head of the first major trial returns with his team focused on Pokémon type fighter, but this time offers a very different challenge from the previous confrontation. His team is formed by a Hariyama (level 54), Primeape (level 54), Craboninable (level 55), Bewear (level 54) and Poliwrath (level 54).

The best way to quickly overcome your team is to start the fight with a monster that has strokes of Faerie, Flying or Psychic, since all of them are super effective. Try to avoid climbing Pokémon type Night, Ice, Normal, stone or steel, as their defenses can not stand the damage and can be defeated in one blow.

Pokémon Sun and Moon: Hala has a Fighters team (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

Elite Four Olivia

The coach also returns for a rematch of their Grand Trial , and she rather strengthened the team in the meantime. Now your squad consists of a Relicanth (level 54), Carbink (level 54), Probopass (level 54), Lycanroc (level 55), and Golem (level 54). That is, only Pokémon stone type, which makes it the weakest link in the new Elite Four.

Pokémon Sun and Moon: Olivia Stone has a team (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

The good news is that your team can be wiped off easily by blows of type Grass, Water, Steel, Earth fighter. Save your favorite Z-Move to Lycanroc, the strongest creature of the team, and be careful not to give chances to use their Olivia Full Restore.

Elite Four Acerola

Another familiar face on the way. Now is the turn of Acerola, the trainer dedicated to Ghost Pokémon. Your team has a Sableye (level 54), Dhelmise (level 54), Froslass (level 54), Palossand (level 55), and Drifblim (level 54), but pay attention because some creatures have more than one type attacks !

Pokémon Sun and Moon: Acerola has a Ghost team (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

Froslass, for example, switches Phantom attacks with Ice attacks while Dhelmise also has an offensive focused on grass. It's a good strategy to attack them with other Ghost type monsters that have super effective hits, or even Nighttime attacks. Only avoid climbing a Psychic Pokémon not to pass unnecessary suffocation.

Elite Four Kahili

After three consecutive rematches, it's time to face a new face in the Elite Four: Kahili, trainer dedicated to monsters Flying type. His powerful team brings a Skarmory (level 54), Mandibuzz (level 54), Toucannon (level 55), Crobat (level 54), and a Oricorio (level 54), all with few weaknesses.

Pokémon Sun and Moon: Kahili has a Flying team (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

The best plan is to start using a partner with blows of electric type, ice or stone, which are super effective. Under no circumstances calling at a fighter, grass or insect, as the Kahili team the defeat with one blow. If you encounter difficulties, try to undermine the status of your team with paralysis or burns.

Champion Teacher Kukui

Sun and Moon Grand Champion League is not your rival, but the illustrious Teacher Kukui! Biggest challenge of the campaign, his team is so powerful that intimidates: one Lycanroc (level 57), Incineroar (level 58), Magnezone (level 56), Braviary (level 56), Snorlax (level 56), and Ninetales (level 56) . Eclectic, the team does not have a universal weakness and requires a good variety of scams.

Pokémon Sun and Moon: Kukui is the ultimate challenge of the campaign (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

With Lycanroc repeat the tactics used in the fight against Olivia. Incineroar not resist a strong blow water while Magnezone falls against fire attacks, or Earth fighter. Flying typical Braviary falls with electric or ice blow. The biggest challenge is Snorlax, which has very high HP. Work around the problem by placing sleeping or poisoning. Finally, pay special attention to Ninetales, since its Alola Form changed to ice type, which is effective against monsters grass, earth, Dragon or Flying.
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