Final Fantasy XV: how to find the Dungeon Pitioss and breaking area - Mobzoo

Final Fantasy XV: how to find the Dungeon Pitioss and breaking area

By Tips and Tricks
Final Fantasy XV is the new chapter of the traditional series of Square Enix . The RPG game is available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One , which chronicles the adventures of Prince Noctis and his friends for an open world full of possibilities. Among hunted the giant monsters and quiet moments with fishing , the game has many activities and secrets. The biggest one is the Dungeon Pitioss, then learn to tames it with our tips:

Step 1. Before you can face Pitioss we must meet two requirements. You must first finish the main campaign Final Fantasy XV . After that, talk to Cindy and get a Regalia Type-F, the flying car. Click here to read our complete tutorial on this procedure.

Final Fantasy XV : start taking a Regalia Type-F (Photo: Playback / Murilo Molina)

Step 2. Have you driving your new car, go to the point marked in yellow in the picture below, the best place to take flight. Landing is a bit complicated and requires precision. Your goal is to fly to the point marked in red and land on a small stone road, the only road access to the mysterious Dungeon Pitioss.

Final Fantasy XV: follow the markers on the map (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

Step 3. The Dungeon opens only at night, so expect the sun falling to access it. Arriving at the temple, skip the large button on the wall to activate the elevator. Get used to it, because this dungeon does not have any enemies, just a series of platforms, puzzles and buttons that need to be triggered.

Final Fantasy XV: a dungeon only opens at night (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

Step 4. Ignis, prompto and Gladiolus abandon the team so the Dungeon start, which will help in holding the narrow corridors. The first minutes of the dungeon are fairly linear, but pay attention to the objects shown in the picture below. When they find them, Deliver slashings to remove them from the path, because it releases very useful shortcuts.

Final Fantasy XV: destroy the statues to release shortcuts (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

Step 5. When you find a demonic statue, push the button on the bottom floor to drag a giant ball to his feet. Then turn around and climb to the top floor, jump on the back of the statue, on the surface of the ball and finally jump into the button on the wall to clear the way.

Final Fantasy XV: Climb to push the button (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

Step 6. Apply the button on the wall to trigger the large rotating cylinder. Once connected, jump on their edge and balance between the edge and the metal plate, as shown in the photo below. When you arrive at the top of the rotation, jump into the hole between the thorns to proceed.

Final Fantasy XV: avoid the thorns on the way down (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

Step 7. When faced with a large metal wall full of rotatory thorns and a large skull on the front, down the left and go under the wall to follow way. Then climb it inside until you reach the top.

Final Fantasy XV: climb to the top of the mobile platform (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

Step 8. At the end of the way, do not forget to take the item on the floor before descending to the entrance because it is the reward for all your efforts. The "Black Hood" ( "Black Hood") is an accessory that can be fitted by Noctis, but does absolutely dodge all attacks, making the prince almost invulnerable!

Final Fantasy XV: reap the Black Hood in the maze end (Photo: Playback / Thomas Schulze)

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