How to Changing the order of songs in a playlist from Spotify - Mobzoo

How to Changing the order of songs in a playlist from Spotify

By Tips and Tricks
Change the order of songs in a playlist Spotify is a simple task that can be performed by users of the paid version or free. The only requirement is to be the owner and creator of the song list. An important note is that you can not accomplish this task by the mobile app or the web player, just through the program to computers. If you want to change the order of songs in your playlists, play the next step by step.

How to change the order of songs in a playlist Spotify

Step 1. Select the music you want to change;

Spotify: selects music you want to change (Play / Luana Ivory)

Step 2. Keep the selected song by pressing the mouse or screen, and drag it to the location you want and stop pressing. You can slide the tracks to the most appropriate position to adjust everything;

Spotify: drag to the location you want (Play / Luana Ivory)

Step 3. Ready! If you want to change any other music, just repeat the procedure.

Spotify: ready, as amended order (Play / Luana Ivory)

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