How to prevent blurry photos with GoPro - Mobzoo

How to prevent blurry photos with GoPro

If you have a GoPro, you've probably been through the frustrating situation of taking pictures on a beach or even during a trail and noticing that they have become blurry. The situation worsens when your action camera does not have an LCD display, making you realize the problem just by unloading the photos.

This type of situation occurs because the air trapped inside the watertight box heats up as GoPro is used, creating water vapor. You may notice this problem when the external heat is much lower than the internal - in the case of mountainous regions or cold waters. Fortunately, this can be solved with some pretty simple solutions. Check it:

GoPro: Use boxes and frames that will not isolate the heat (Photo: Press Release / GoPro)

Using unsealed boxes

A waterproof case is recommended only for diving activities or in locations where your camera will be susceptible to watering, dustiness, or other such situations. If you perform an activity in which you will not face this type of scenario, use boxes that are not sealed. A good example are those that have openings on the sides or the boxes that are composed only by the frame - see image above.

GoPro: Official store sells anti-fog inserts for your camera (Photo: Disclosure / GoPro)

Anti-fogging pads

Another solution is to use antifoam pads. GoPro has an official line of this product on its website. To use them, simply insert them between the action camera and the waterproof box. Although they solve the problem, this item has a high price, being found for $ 19.99, or more than $ 60, at the current price. If you are traveling abroad and want a professional solution, these tablets will solve your problem.

Paper strips

One of the cheapest solutions to solve this problem is to use paper strips. The home-made solution, besides practice, will save you a lot of money. To do so is simple:

Step 1. Select your paper. We recommend the use of toilet paper or paper towels, but it can be anyone who absorbs water well.

Step 2. Cut small strips to place between GoPro and the watertight box. If you need a reference, look at the space below GoPro - where the battery is - and above the watertight box.

Step 3. Place the paper strips between GoPro and the carton. Be careful of the width of the strip, because when closing the case, no piece of paper may disturb the case, including the white rubber. Finally, close it.

Silica sachets

Do you know those little sachets that come along in the box of clothes and other products that you buy? That is Silica gel, a material capable of absorbing about 30% of its weight in moisture. In addition to increasing the shelf life of objects, these small sachets will make your photos not blurry.
To use them, you will need to find a sachet of silica that fits between the action camera and the box - remembering that nothing can prevent the closure of it - and, similarly to the application of the paper towel or toilet, put the sachet and close The cover of the carton. If you do not have silica to do the procedure, it is easy to find such product for sale on the Internet.
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