Five years later, Apple returns to lead sales of smartphones - Mobzoo

Five years later, Apple returns to lead sales of smartphones

By Technology
Sales of the iPhone 7 esttveram for high REUTERS / LUCY NICHOLSON

Apple was the leader in worldwide sales of smartphones for the first time in five years, beating rival Samsung. Driven by the success of the iPhone model, which reached 78.29 million units sold in the last quarter of the year, the US company had revenues of 78,400 million (EUR 73 billion), above analysts' expectations.

Sales of iPhones increased by four million over the same quarter last year. Tim Cook, president of the executive of the company, said the iPhone 7 sales, and particularly the iPhone 7 Plus, although without detailing numbers.

The company's profits, however, fell 2.5% to 17,900 million dollars (16,700 million euros), which means that Apple spent more in the production and promotion of their products.

Samsung sold 77.5 million of smartphones in the last quarter of the year, the company Strategy Analytics, which puts Apple ahead of Samsung for the first time since the last quarter of 2011.

This rise of the Apple comes at a time when global demand for smartphones is slowing and that the US company faces strong competition from cheaper Android models.

Apple will, of course, benefited from Samsung's problems, which was forced to withdraw from the market the Galaxy Note 7 due to problems in the batteries.
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