Facebook's profit shoots 177% - Mobzoo

Facebook's profit shoots 177%

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Facebook Profit

Thirteen years after being launched, Facebook continues to attract new users and grow the business, which increasingly relies on mobile advertising.

Last year, the multinational turnover of about 27 billion dollars (25 billion euros), up 57% compared to 2015, the company said on Wednesday. Profit increased by 177% to ten thousand million. Ads on mobile phones and tablets are an increasing share and represented the end of last quarter 84% of revenue from advertising.

The year ended with 1,230 million daily users and 1,860 million monthly users - equivalent to about a quarter of the world population.

The numbers reflect the hegemonic position of Facebook, which over the years has become the largest social network in the world and one of the main tools of communication and consumption of content for many millions of people. On the contrary, Twitter failed to make the business take off and continues to injury, Google (which has the largest search engine and is a major competitor in the online advertising market) failed attempts to launch a successful product in this area, and some smaller platforms like Instagram, just bought by Facebook itself.

In addition to the highly targeted advertising, the company has been working on another type of functionality for businesses to engage customers. For example, a service announced last year at the Web Summit in Lisbon, allows brands to open a chat window when the user clicks on an ad, rather than the direccionarem to a page. The system allows companies to resort to artificial intelligence platform Facebook and so create automatic interaction.
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