How to invest in the stock market in GTA 5 and win big money - Mobzoo

How to invest in the stock market in GTA 5 and win big money

By Games
The  GTA 5 brings several activities for those who want to jump right in Los Santos. One of these, which may seem a little complicated, is to invest in the stock market. With this, you can buy shares of companies of the game, such as "LifeInvader". In this tutorial, the TechTudo shows the step of how to apply a step in the bag in GTA V, how to manipulate the stock and get rich in the process.

There are two stock exchanges in GTA 5. The first, called "LCN" is affected by events happening in game missions, with predetermined fluctuations and that can be exploited. The second, called "BAWSAQ", is based on common actions that take place throughout the city. In it, you can handle and make lots of money just generating chaos in society.

Learn to be billionaire in GTA V (Reuters / Rockstar)

Accessing the stock exchange

Step 1. With any of your characters on your smartphone, select the "Internet" option. Then select "Money and Services";

Step 2. Within the page "Money and Services", you can find links to real estate and stock exchanges "LCN" and "BAWSAQ". Simply login to your preference.

Page with bags of Los Santos values ​​(Photo: Playback / André Mello)

Multiplying your money on missions

During the GTA 5 campaign, the player is given missions by Lester, head behind the great game of blows to eliminate business or key figures of large companies. By doing this, you affect the market and could profit even more by their actions.

To do this, follow the steps below.

Step 1. Follow the campaign missions usually, through which you must eliminate the president of "LifeInvader". Do not try to manipulate the actions because it does not work here. However, the next assassination mission, given by Lester, is when you start making money.

The mission "The Assassination Hotel" brings changes to the actions of the two pharmaceutical companies called "Bilkington" and "Betta Pharmaceuticals". Before starting, save the game and spend all your money buying shares of "Betta Pharmaceuticals". They can be found in the stock market "BAWSAQ" with the name "[BET]." Do this with all three characters.

The Lester missions are the best way to become a millionaire in GTA 5 (Reuters / Rockstar)

Complete mission normally and then put the character to sleep, making the time go. Every 12 hours, check the stock market and the stock price of the "Betta Pharmaceuticals". It should reach its peak with 80% profit on the amount invested in shares. When you reach this level, selling all its shares and high bill;

Step 2. After doing this first mission of murder, they become secondary, which allows you to complete all the main story. This is the best method to get billionaire;

Step 3. With all the main tasks already completed, their characters must have approximately $ 40 million each. Now it's time to go back to the assassination missions given by Lester.

The LCN bag has some of the largest companies in Los Santos (Photo: Playback / André Mello)

The first, called "The Multi Target Assassination", asks you to make purchase and sale transactions on the stock exchange before and after completing the mission. Before starting the mission, buy company stock "Debonaire". They can be found in the bag "LCN" as "[DEB] Debonaire".

After completing the mission, selling the shares of "Debonaire" and buy shares of the company "Redwood", also found in the "LCN" with the name "[RWC] Redwood". Wait a few days until the shares reach their highest value, and selling everything.

The shares of "Debonaire" reach their peak at 80% profit, while the "Redwood" go up to 300%;
Step 4. In the mission "The Vice Assassination" invest in "Fruit" company (found in "BAWSAQ" as "[FRT] Fruit") before you start selling it to complete it.

Do not forget to make the investments with all characters (Reuters / Rockstar)

After the mission, note the growth of the shares of Facade company ([FAC] Facade in BAWSAQ). When they start up, invest your money. It should reach its peak at 30%, while the "Fruit" arrive at 50%;

Step 5. In the mission "The Bus Assassination" buy company stock "Vapid" found in "BAWSAQ" as "[VAP] Vapid" before starting. Once finished, wait a few days, always checking the updates of the market, which takes place after 8am in the game, and sell the shares;

Step 6. The last mission, called "The Assassination Construction" makes you buy shares of the company "GoldCoast" found as "[GCD] GoldCoast" in the bag "LCN". Do this before the mission, and after finishing it, wait until they reach their peak value, which is close to 80%, and then sell it.

How to invest in the stock market in GTA 5 and earn a lot of money (Photo: Playback / Eurogamer)

If you've done all this correctly, you may have a value of approximately US $ 2 billion for each character, enough to buy all the properties and vehicles you want.

Earning money through chaos

Another way to get money through the stock market is performing some free actions in Los Santos. Here, the process is relatively simple.

The GTA 5 world brings several companies rivalries among themselves, ready to profit when others are suffering attacks. So, follow these steps:

Investing in BAWSAQ and manipulate city events is a good way to make money (Photo: Playback / André Mello)

Step 1. Choose a company listed on BAWSAQ exchange. Then check what your rivals, according to the list below:

CoolBeans / BeanMachine
Burgershot / Up-An-Atom
Clucking Bell / TacoBomb
FlyUS / AirEmu
GoPostal / PostOP
Bilkington / DollarPills
Pisswasser / Logger
MazeBank / BankOfLiberty
Redwood / Debonaire
Slaughter, Slaughter & Slaughter / Bullhead
RadioLosSantos / WorldwideFM
eCola /Raine

Step 2. With this in mind, attack everything that is related to that mark. You have chosen a type of car? Destroy all that you find the front, but only that brand. Note the stock exchange and note that the shares of that company will start to fall. When they are low enough, buy a good amount of shares;

Step 3. Now that you have a number of shares of that company, it is time to turn your attention to the rivals. Destroy all vehicles of other companies, saving just the company you have shares.

Note the fluctuation in the values ​​of stocks and selling when they have at a satisfactory price. Calmly, you can repeat it and greatly increase his fortune in the game.
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