How to find and solve or hidden enigma of Resident Evil 7 - Mobzoo

How to find and solve or hidden enigma of Resident Evil 7

By Games
The  Resident Evil 7 comes with nostalgic features for fans. Outside the linearity of its plot, there are a number of hidden secrets and special items that guarantee benefits for players, better weapons and easier to get to the end of the title.

The game has as one of its main features the puzzle shadows, which require use shapes to create pictures on the wall according to a predetermined model. And while most of these puzzles are essential to reach the end of the game, there is not, and may go unnoticed by the players. Check in this tutorial, step by step how to find and solve the puzzle hidden from Resident Evil 7 .

Step 1. The secret puzzle is located in the backyard of the Bakers, in a rather dark corner and difficult to see. East up by the mansion limits and look for a lawn that can be overcome by Ethan, or use the large tree to locate. Position yourself on the small lawn beside her, opposite the trailer and go straight through the bushes.

lightened image brings location of the secret puzzle Resident Evil 7 (Photo: Playback / Felipe Demartini)

Step 2. Although accessible from the first time the player arrives at the secret puzzle can be solved later in the game when the player gets the toy ax. The item is found on the third floor of the house, in Luke's attic room, along with the model of shotgun and one of the key cards needed to progress through the story;

Enigma appears already in advanced moments in the history of Resident Evil 7 (Photo: Playback / Felipe Demartini)

Step 3. Once you have the item, return to the hidden space and use it on the base in front of the light. You must position the item so that it forms a specific shade, in this case, a "7", to complete the code. Once solved the puzzle, the chest next to be unlocked and, within it, will be a 'stabilizer', used to increase the charging speed Ethan arms.

Secret Puzzle Resident Evil 7 makes play of light and shadow (Photo: Playback / Felipe Demartini)

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