T5i Canon or Sony A6000: which camera has the best value for money - Mobzoo

T5i Canon or Sony A6000: which camera has the best value for money

Who is looking for quality prosumer cameras may end up on the fence in choosing between the Canon Rebel T5i and Sony A6000. On the one hand, the T5i DSLR heir to a long history of prosumer cameras.

On the other, the Sony A6000, with the convenience of mirror less and access to more advanced technologies that rival. Go on reading to find out which one has the best specifications, more balanced cost-effective and is the best choice for your needs.

Design: Sony A6000

Design Sony A6000 can be more interesting for those who need a smaller camera (Reuters / Sony)

Canon Rebel T5i and Sony A6000 cameras are quite different because the machine is a Canon DSLR, which inevitably ends up making it bigger, heavier and more difficult to carry. The A6000, on the other hand, is a mirrorless: smaller, lighter, can fit in a pocket and be accommodated safely even in tight spaces.

But there are situations and profiles of users who give up the lightness and the smaller size of the Sony camera. A typical example are those who prefer the more ergonomic grip DSLR cameras, in which case the Canon is the best choice.

Specifications: Sony A6000

The Sony camera has higher resolution and more features like Wi-Fi and NFC (Reuters / Sony)

The Sony camera has better technical specifications that rival. The resolution, to begin with, is higher: 24.3 megapixels versus 18 MP Canon. The color depth is also better on the A6000, registered 24.1 against 21.7 bits bits possible on the Canon sensor. Other positive factors are the higher speed of the Sony camera photos in sequence and shooting RAW. The Sony camera also has more ISO effective, with 1,347 against 681 rival.

When the comparison is the auto focus technology, Canon compensates somewhat because it has faster and more accurate system.

In relation to video recording, both stop in Full HD, but once again, Sony has a slight advantage because it can capture 60 frames per second. The Rebel T5i is limited to 30 frames.

Resources: Draw

T5i supports a much larger number of lenses (Reuters / Canon)

The Sony camera has Wi-Fi and NFC, which are not part of the Canon connectivity features. However, the Rebel T5i has compatibility with a total of 220 lenses (they are 62 for Sony) and interface that can be operated via touch screen.

Bateria: Canon Rebel T5i

Canon introduces battery life superior to that possible in the Sony (Reuters / Canon)

Autonomy is the best Canon camera. According to the numbers of manufacturers, using the internal flash in 50% of the photos, the T5i can take a total of 440 shots before needing recharging, or another battery. Sony A6000 provides enough energy for 360 photos.

Price and availability: Canon Rebel T5i

In Brazil, you can find T5i by R $ 2,199 in reputable stores. The price can not be considered low for a camera already outdated, but in any case, well below the R $ 3,599 Sony A6000.

Another aspect that makes the camera from Sony less interesting from the standpoint of availability is the fact that, unlike T5i, it is more difficult to find in shops recognized.


Strictly speaking, the camera Sony is superior technologically, easier to carry and offers a range of resources - mainly connectivity - higher than those of T5i. However, hefty price and relative difficulty of finding the A6000 make it a little less attractive.

Who is on the wall for one or another, need to keep in mind a few points: if you already have equipment from Canon, as lenses, the T5i should be ideal, not only be cheaper, but for compatibility with the accessories you already has.

Who needs a more portable camera with greater ease to share files, rather connects to the much higher price, is the Sony A6000 a more interesting option.
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