Virtual Reality through Google Chrome browser - Mobzoo

Virtual Reality through Google Chrome browser

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Virtual Through the Browser

Virtual reality is a betting of large technology companies, and Google took another step on the road, still long, a possible mass. The Chrome browser is now compatible with a technology that allows direct display virtual reality content via the Web, without the need for an application, and simply to navigate users to the site who want to explore.

The functionality is limited. These sites can be experienced with Daydream glasses View, developed by Google and released late last year. In turn, these glasses are only compatible with three phones on the market, including the Pixel, which is Google itself. Who does not have one of these devices, you can see the virtual reality sites in another phone or a computer, navigating with your finger or with the mouse, a less immersive experience (the technology that Google is using Chrome, called WebVR there also in the Firefox browser, which has far fewer users).

Google says it intends to make in the coming months, the new Chrome feature is also compatible with the glasses Cardboard , a Google project that includes models made of cardboard and whose purpose is to allow access to virtual reality at low cost to the user. Both Cardboard - that are compatible with most mobile phones, including the iPhone - like Daydream View work into place the phone in the front of the glasses, which are equipped with lenses that transform the image on the screen a three-dimensional image. This means that all processing is done in cell phones and these have to detect the user's movement.

For its part, also Facebook is preparing news in this area. Mark Zuckerberg, who has shown a virtual reality enthusiast, shared photos you are wearing gloves that allow the user to interact with the digital world more closely what happens in the physical world. The photographs were taken in the Oculus laboratories, a company bought by Facebook and produces the Oculus Rift glasses, whose technology is also the Samsung Gear. According to the text that Zuckerberg published to accompany the photos, the gloves allow the user, for example, draw and use a virtual keyboard.

This is still a niche market. IDC analyst estimates that in 2016 have come to the market about ten million virtual and augmented reality devices (where the physical and digital world elements are mixed) and in 2020 to be put on the market 110 million.

"The goal is to make virtual reality and augmented reality all we want to be," Zuckerberg wrote. "Glasses small enough to be taken anywhere, software that enables all experience and technology to interact with the virtual world as we interact with the physical world."
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