How Search Engine Work? - Mobzoo

How Search Engine Work?

You use every day Google to make a world of research, but you know how a search engine?

Search Engine Work

A search engine consists of six main components:

1. Crawler ou spider ou robot

Crawler (creeper), spider (spider) or robot (robot), as it is called, is a component that interacts directly with the web and has the function to discover new documents and web pages in order to make them retrievable. These robots, automatically and recursively, visit the web pages, do a reading them, copy, and follow the hyperlinks they encounter.

At a certain time interval, the creepers come back and re-visit the pages, thus ensuring that when content is updated, it is incorporated into the index search engine document.

2. Document Index

The document index , or index of documents, it's like a repository that has the purpose to save all the pages and their addresses were found, captured and sent by web crawlers .

The files (pages and URL's) are compressed, structured and cataloged in the database, in order to enable its location as the user performed the query parameters.

3. Cache documents

The document cache , or cache of documents is a component that stores the pages in the original format that were found. The cache of documents assists viewing the pages when they are not available.

4. Query processor 

The query processor , or query processor, coordinates the execution of queries from users. The processor communicates with the other components of the engine and performs  three tasks:

  • Distributes the queries sent by the user;
  • Get the list of files relevant to the query;
  • It brings together the results found by other components.

5. Document ranking system

As the user 's query, the document ranking , or ranking of documents, makes the ranking of the documents found in the index according to their relevance and importance.

6. Interface Software, interrogation and recovery 

The presentation to the user interface performs two functions:

  • Receives the terms of user queries;
  • It displays the results found by the search engine.
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