UTorrent will become fully integrated with browsers - Mobzoo

UTorrent will become fully integrated with browsers

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uTorrent Browser Integrated
Utorrent is one of the most popular torrent file download applications in the world - it's also one of the most used torrent files to date. And according to the TorrentFreak website , it will soon allow more possibilities for consumers.

This happens because it will become integrated with the browsers and run directly on them - there is information that this will be possible with today's top browsers, with no limitation with one or another software.

In this way, uTorrent will have support for widgets and streaming streaming integrations than the current ones - that is: uTorrent should even start a more aggressive tactic against other software that works with the Torrent-Streaming pair.

Developers say this should be something unique in the future - there is no longer the standalone version at some point. What is not yet clear is when this will happen, as early versions of this new integrated uTorrent will not be forced on users.

UTorrent should even go for a more aggressive tactic against other software that works with the dual Torrent-Streaming

According to TorrentFreak, the creator of the application Bram Cohen said he wants to make people feel that the improvement is coming up, "not that the experience has been destroyed." Will the idea be good when it is put into practice?

Sources: uTorrent
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