Made of cardboard camera makes instant photos in vintage style - Mobzoo

Made of cardboard camera makes instant photos in vintage style

The Jollylook is made of recyclable material camera making snapshots with film Instax Mini 8 . The device is delivered in Brazil for about US $ 140 and is designed using only cardboard and a pair of lenses. According to the developers, the model is easily removable, which offers an interesting experience for children and photography students to analyze the operation of a manual machine.

The camera hit the funding goal on Kickstarter in a few days and arrives at a time when the snapshot is on the rise, mainly driven by models Polaroid and FujiFilm . With vintage look, Jollylook is not water-resistant due to the material, but you can set the capture in four modes: landscape, group, portrait or macro.

Model promises interesting experience for children and students (Reuters / Jollylook)

The cardboard camera lens is 110 mm and the aperture can be adjusted f / 8 to f / 64. Although not guarantee good pictures in low light, the device promises to write fun memories analog way. Also, to capture an image it is necessary to rotate a lever on the side of Jollylook.

Camera is made of recyclable material and makes snapshots (Reuters / Jollylook)

According to the designer of the project, Oleg Khalip, the main objective of the idea was to create a fully manual camera, without the need for battery. The goal was completed, according to Khaliph, the shutter was the hardest part of developing. In the final result, the piece was built by four pieces of thick cardboard and two rubber bands.

Camera has manual operation and eliminates battery (Reuters / Jollylook)

The Jollylook has the size of a box iPhone 7 and is available for $ 35 (about US $ 109). The price includes the camera and Fujifilm Instax Mini film, for sale in the domestic retail for about $ 60 Freight to Brazil is $ 10 (R $ 31) and delivery is scheduled for June 2017.

via Kickstarter
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