7 Best Worst Horror Games of All Time - Mobzoo

7 Best Worst Horror Games of All Time

By Games
While Resident Evil 7 points as one of the best horror games of all time, there are games that also stood out, but in a negative way. And do not think that these titles are unique to older platforms, as they appear also on PS3 , Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii U . In this list, the TechTudo meets the titles that tried to scare, but just disappointed players with scares that possibly made them laugh because of poor quality.

Bad gameplay, infested games bugs, horrible graphics and uninspired stories are just some of the problems. Check out the selection of the seven worst in the world horror games.

List meets 7 the world's worst horror games (Photo: Playback / Murilo Molina)

Released in 2015 exclusively for the PC, the game of the acclaimed series of horror startled fans, but this time by his disastrous quality. Alone in the Dark Illumination failed attempt to recreate the climate of terror and tension of the title Alone in the Dark , which made the fame of the franchise.

In addition to dismiss the plot of the previous games, the game adds a multiplayer option for up to four players in the style Left 4 Dead, which is one of those responsible for completely ruining the atmosphere. The gameplay also bothers enough for their lack of accuracy.

Alone in the Dark: Illumination made ugly in its version for PC (Reuters / Atari)

Amy (Xbox 360, PS3)

Developed by VectorCell, the horror game has the Amy and Lana characters in a world infected by a virus. Not even the clichéd plot was able to secure good ideas for the title, which suffers from many problems.

Graphics buggy, bad layout of controls and frustrating battles make the game a chaos that should require patience of the players willing to face your campaign.

Amy has cliche story and problematic controls (Reuters / VectorCell)

Friday the 13th (NES)

Friday the 13th is considered by many one of the greatest nightmares available for the classic device of Nintendo. The game NES suffers from an extremely unbalanced difficulty level, it almost impossible his campaign for several players.

To make matters worse, the gameplay is affected by bugs and delays, which make any attempt to reaction to very complicated opponents. Some of the enemies still have attacks that simply can not be avoided, and end quickly with the life bar of the protagonist.

NES Classic was difficult and unbalanced (Photo: Playback / DailyDead)

The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct (PC, PS3, 360, Wii U)

After being surrounded by much anticipation, the shooter first person inspired by the TV series disappoint the fans and became a kind of joke among fans of the genre.

With many bugs, the game has a repetitive and uninspired campaign, which should not animate even the biggest fans of the series. The "sweat effect" running down screen is also quite uncomfortable.

Inspired game in the series The Walking Dead fans disappointed (Reuters / Activision)

Blacksoul (PC)

In an attempt to emulate the renowned style of the older versions of Resident Evil and Silent Hill, Blacksoul ended as a generic and outdated game, which hardly attract the attention of fans of the genre.

With recycled ideas, obvious attempts to scare the players and unbalanced difficulty, the title of 2013 is one of the worst imaginable. The controls do not help at all, and can confuse the players with his temperamental behavior.

Game inspired by classics of the genre was a failure (Reuters / XeniosVision)

Resident Evil: Survivor (PS1)

Not even one of the most beloved series of the history of video games got rid of low-quality titles. Launched in 2000, shortly after the success of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Survivor surprised by the change of style.
Instead of the traditional third person view with change cameras, Survivor turned into a shooting game in first person, with confusing controls and little content. Graphics, more approximate, also showed the weaknesses of PS1, with poor quality textures.

FPS game is the low point of the Resident Evil series (Photo: Playback / SpeedNew)

Night Trap (Sega CD, 3DO, 32X e PC)

The title mix puzzles and sequences recorded with real actors, and was intended to impress the owners of the Sega CD and other equipment of the time. Unfortunately, besides the curious style, the game is tedious, since the tasks of the players come down to scour the cameras looking for some action.

hardware limitations also affect the mood of the game, which has video and poor quality audio. The performances are also nothing brilliant, and are even comical at times.

Bizarro title suffered from hardware limitations and repetition of formulas (Photo: Playback / TiredOldHack)

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