6 Ninjas Ways To Pick Up A Beer Can - Mobzoo

6 Ninjas Ways To Pick Up A Beer Can

By Tips and Tricks
Want to earn respect at college bbq? Learn how to get a can or a glass of beer with master jedis on the subject. The can can be open or closed. You may be on land or in water. This requires training or luck. All this does not matter. The important thing is to show technique in the footprint, lightness in the hands and mastery at the time of drinking.

To do this, watch 7 ways to drink beer like a boss and turn myth into your friends:

1. While singing

You have a band, right? If you see a glass flying in your direction, do not think twice: take the beer, turn it all in one gulp and enter the story!

2. Mitando no churras

Is the beer on the second floor of the party? No problem! Ask a friend to throw you a glass and capriche the footprint, eh?

3. Surfing for glory

You do not have to stop practicing wake boarding to take a sip of your favourite beer. Show that you have the ability to do several things at the same time.

4. It's raining beer

If it suddenly starts raining beer, beware and take yours. At festivals, it's a great way to save a buck.

5. Gymnastics

Beer is said to increase the belly. This guy proves that this must be just a legend. Giving a mortal a back on himself every time he takes a beer, that's not going to happen - at least that's what this guy should say out there.

6. Become a Legend

But if fame is little to you, become a legend. Learn from the duo below several techniques to enter the hall of fame of the world's largest brewers.

Sources: firstwefeast
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