4 Ways to Increase Release page conversion - Mobzoo

4 Ways to Increase Release page conversion

By Tips and Tricks
Increase Release page conversion

Its launch page is fully optimized for conversion?

Chances are it probably is not.

No site is perfect there is always room for improvement. At ClickBank we are constantly looking to improve our pages (such as the application form) so that it is easier to use, well structured and optimized for conversion.

Vendors constantly ask us what they can do to optimize the conversion into its release pages. We recommend focusing on some areas to find specific improvements you can make the sales increase.

Analyze your launch page with each of the following categories in mind. We'll talk about the first four in this article and the other four pages in the 2nd half.

1. Narrow your focus 

The purpose of the launch page is to sell a product. If you want to convert visitors into customers, make sure to remove all the unnecessary distractions of your launch page.

Distractions come in many forms:

  •     Navigation bars and sidebar links provide ways for your page visitors leave your launch page and be lost in other sections of your site. 
  •     The social media links lead visitors to external sites and may be that they do not return. 
  •     Ads also divert their visitors to your site. 
  •     Outbound links in your content, even if it is relevant to your subject, distracts visitors taking them away from your page. 

The more options that visitors have to leave your page, unless they are focused on their product

Tell how many ways you have a visitor can leave your launch page and delete the largest numbers possible links output (links that lead visitors away from your page).

2. Call to action "call-to-action" 

The call to action "call to action" (CAT) is what you want someone to do after interacting with your page.

The main objective of the launch page is to sell a product. This means that your call-to-action "CAT" is a button "Buy Now" that directs visitors to the application form of ClickBank. A very common mistake is to have many "CTAs" on your page.

You are asking visitors to join, sign up to receive a newsletter by e-mail or connect in social media before he has seen his button "Buy Now"? Focus on making the visitors to make an action and simplify as much as possible for them to buy your product.

Some other tips for your "CTA". Make sure it is:

  • Easy to locate Use visual cues to draw attention to your CTA. Be sure that button stands out from the rest of your "design" to let them know that they can click on it. Use the image of a button, not a text link. 
  • Give repeated multiple options for visitors to click on your "CTA" across the page, so they do not have to go to the bottom of the page. 
  • Specific, clear Watch the text on your button. It is clear what will happen once the visitor clicks on the button? If you require multiple steps and clicks before letting them buy, you may have fewer people coming to the application form. 


How many things you are asking for the visitors do on your page? It is easy to find your Caller Line -to-action "CAT"?

3. Title 

Your title is the first thing your visitors see when they arrive at your site. It's your opportunity to create enough interest to keep your visitors so that they keep reading. You have a very short time to capture the attention of a pessoa.Pesquisas show that sites lose up to 50% of your visitors within the first 8 seconds. If you do not attract visitors with their titles, maybe they will not read anything in your launch page.

Make sure that your titles are written in simple language that is easy to understand. Remember that your visitors want to know what's on this page to them. Why should they keep reading? What are the benefits your product offers?

Find someone who knows nothing about your product. Ask him to read the title of your page and see how well he understands the purpose of your page. Try to write 10 or more titles before choosing the best.

4. Copyright 

Copyright refer to the written content on your page including titles, headings, paragraphs, bulleted lists

and visitors have a short attention span, you need to make your copy easy to check. Bookmarks, lists, bold text and titles that highlight the most important points so that visitors can quickly get an overview of its contents.

Your copyright need to provide necessary information so that visitors can make the decision to buy. Little information and visitors will not have enough confidence to buy. A lot of information and you run the risk of losing those who have no time to look at everything.

One way to find the right balance is to focus on the features and benefits of your product.

Featured resources describe your product benefits and tell your potential customers what your product will do for them.

For example:

The iPhone has an 8MP camera, "display" of 4 inch retina, a technology "wireless" LTE and 16GB of space. These are the characteristics, features.

Why should you worry about the features, resources?

Features, features enable you to stay connected to your friends while you are in transit. You can capture life's moments and share them easily. You can find answers to any question with a device or device that fits in your pocket.

Benefits encourages you to buy a product. Features, features are facts about the product.


Make a list of the characteristics, features and benefits of your product. Visitors can quickly look at its contents to understand the benefits and features, resources?
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