6 Tips for Personal Marketing - Mobzoo

6 Tips for Personal Marketing

By Marketing
Tips for personal marketing
In this article, I would like to bring 6 great tips for personal marketing, you can use through your blog.

1 - Networking 

As we all know, the better networking, much in the way they work. This is because you will have access to people who can help you achieve the desired goals.

If you have a blog of a niche that does not know much, but want to become an expert, a good networking will enable you to connect with dozens, or even hundreds of people who are already expert in the market for years. This will greatly help you in the process of becoming an expert.


Create links, discuss, talk, help, especially help, as you can. Believe in the power of the law of return, which says that the more you give the more you receive, and this law of return can ensure good fruit to their work.

Surely there is someone needing help with something where you can be useful, and that person will be useful to you when you need too, this is the law of return, and it is often immediate.

I would recommend that you start your networking using social networks such as Twitter or Facebook, but I recommend also that you make more use of personal networking, meetings, trade shows, work and even on the street.

2 - Personal Experience 

To increase your personal marketing through his blog, one of the best techniques is to write about their personal experiences. People like that, and if they identify with its history, ready, done the business.

Write about their experiences, about their experience and about things that you have also read and learned. Be a facilitator for people if you have read a book of 100 pages, make a summary of 20 pages, with the strengths and focal points of the book and distribute freely through your blog.

People not only see you as an expert in the area, but also feel good, to know that you like to teach and help.

3 - Be an expert 

Well, it's great that you, at this stage of the game, already has become, or is in the process of becoming an expert. And I said in another article, that there is no mystery about this.

marketing staff

Only search, read, listen to and study the market, so you will have powerful weapons at the time of writing your articles, books, comments and other content on the internet.

This not only helps people, but also increases your marketing staff, so that people see you as an expert in the field.

4 - Work SEO 

Work SEO, will help you be found more easily by search engines. Thus, if one searches for a certain subject, or by its name, you will easily find your website and relevant information you have.

It's a boring part and not much pleasure in doing this, but the optimization should be done and studies on SEO and SEM should be done, always. The growth of our business and our marketing staff depend on it.

5 - Be seen 

a great friend of mine said: "Claudio, who is not seen is not remembered," and I learned from a young age , we should appear, not as a goofball, but with a specialist and expert in a particular area or subject matter.

To appear, do not get want to be the owner of the truth, or the famous "sycophant", but a person who always has a good answer to the questions, someone who is completely focused on bringing solutions rather than problems.

Be seen as an expert and facilitator, this will help make your fascinating personal marketing, you'll see. Start doing some tests, present some solutions, to be seen by the community and the market, and with time, you will have great results.

6 - Offer the best 

not just offer content, you must provide quality content and relevance. People are tired of hearing stories, particularly in the niche of "make money online", these stories of exorbitant profits and automatic riches are out, a long time, sorry that many still did not see it.

personal marketing

Offer the best articles for their readers, the best of your content. Search for books, courses and seminars, the best answers to difficult questions and present to your readers.

You may be saying this is "deliver gold to the bandit," that is, may be thinking that, by releasing free quality content will be losing money, but I guarantee you that by doing this, your personal marketing and your business will suffer a gradual increase, not only of readers and customers, but players and quality customers, which is very different.


So, I invite you today to start putting into practice the topics discussed here, and if you do not have the expected return, I dare you to look at your business and make a reflection of what has been done.

Big hug.
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